
Well its been about a couple of months since I posted last, I know I'm currently really only writing for myself....

Anyway, Esme my daughter has decided to be a dinosaur - luckily she hasn't grown claws, scales and the like - but she does like to go around roaring (especially if instigated, which I will admit I do frequently). Lets hope that she won't start breathing out fire (oh wait that's dragons).

The title comes from cooking up impromptu swedish meatballs the other night, no photos I'm afraid (very frustrating I know) but hopefully we can rectify that soon!

This is more of an update to say look to late august /early september for a thorough reworking of the layout - this is more of a skeleton than I'd like, and see some good photos coming!


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What's Coming

Well I am something of a techno dinosaur so I will be bringing the instagram feed online soon

keep an eye out here for updates!

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Meet The Author & Co.


Well I'm Stuart - the would be author of this attic space in the fens of the internet. When not trying to get this going I work as an office monkey in Nottinghamshire

However I am a trained chef - woe betide my silly decision there eh?

I would like to introduce the other part of this equation which is my daughter Esme! 3 and a half and already behaves like the boss